Vaccination requirements for Madagascar: What vaccines you need to enter the country


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Madagascar is actually an island, the 3rd biggest in the world, and it is the size of France. Has a lot of nature life, and an incredible flora and fauna around all its territory. But in order to enter Madagascar you will need to complete certain vaccines beforehand, not only the COVID-19 one.

It is important that if you are planning to visit Madagascar, get to know which vaccines are important to get, even though they all may not be mandatory, they will protect you against some diseases and help you stay safe.

There are Madagascar visa requirements, and even though the vaccine record is not required for the visa application, it will be necessary to enter the country. Here we will list some of the most common and necessary for your visit to Madagascar but does not mean that all of this are mandatory to enter.

Since Madagascar is an Island and had many jungle area, there are many tropical diseases you need to be aware of like Malaria, Dengue, Chikungunya, Zika virus; while these diseases does not have a vaccine against them, you can prevent them by avoiding mosquito bites since all of them are transmitted by mosquitoes. Thankfully there are many like the following for which a vaccine can be found and is strongly recommended to have the protection against these diseases.


Abbreviation for Diphtheria, Tetatnus and Polio, one single vaccine can protect against all three and that is the DTP vaccine.

Diphtheria is caused by a bacteria and if not treated on time it could be lethal, the worst of its complications is inflammation and paralysis of the heart muscle. The way of transmission is from person to person by the droplets from coughing and sneezing.

Tetanus is also caused by a bacteria and it is very easy to get since it spread by entering the body through the blood via. It is mostly common to get it from cuts by a contaminated object. The tetanus bacteria can survive for a long time so it is important to be careful on the objects someone touches and if getting a cut seek immediately for medical assistance.

Polio is caused by a virus and there are three different types of polio viruses. Even though it is also called “infantile paralysis”, adults can get polio too if they are unvaccinated.  This disease is transmitted from person to person by the droplets from coughing and sneezing and even by talking to a infected person.

Hepatitis A

The Hepatitis A is a virus that affects the live, unlike the other types of hepatitis, type A cannot become a chronic infection. It spreads usually through contaminated water or food and the symptoms appear often after two to six weeks after exposed. Contamination could happen at any point of the food process, before having a complete meal, travellers are at a higher risk since they are often trying new foods and places, if the sanitary conditions are lacking a little at some point are a huge risk of possible transmission. That is why vaccination is the best form of protection against this virus.

Yellow Fever

This is another mosquito bite transmitted disease, but there is a vaccine for this one. In Madagascar the yellow fever is not prevalent but you will need to show vaccination proof against the yellow fever if you are coming from a yellow fever risk country, and that is a mandatory requirement in order to enter Madagascar.

Other important vaccines to think of getting are:


This vaccine is one of the most important ones worldwide but even though is extremely recommended to have it, is not mandatory to enter Madagascar since a COVID-19 PCR negative test given no more than 72 hours before arriving is required to enter the country.

It is known that the vaccine against COVID-19 does not eliminate the possibility of getting the disease in a hundred percent, but it is strongly encouraged to getting to try to minimize the options of it being fatal and to try to stop the spreading of it. This one is transmitted from person to person by the droplets from coughing, sneezing and even talking; following the measurements given worldwide like washing hands constantly and specially before touching your mouth, nose or eyes, the use of facial covers and avoidance of physical contact with others are ways to help spreading the virus and keeping one safe.


The rabies is a virus that attacks directly the nervous system spreading towards the brain. This disease can be transmitted by the bite or scratch from an infected animal, mammals are the only that can be infected with the virus and therefore transmit it. Vaccines for this disease are either pre-exposure or post-exposure, it is strongly recommended to get the pre-exposure one within a month before travelling since the last booster needed is 28 days after the first shot. Very important to get it before travelling since it cannot be tell if an animal is infected or not and given the variety of fauna in Madagascar getting rabies is not completely out of the table.


Typhoid fever is caused by the Salmonella typhi bacteria and it is spread by consuming contaminated food or water. To know and be aware of the food and drinks you are consuming specially when away from home is very important. For this disease there are two types of vaccine offered, one is oral via known as “typhoid pills” which can be administered to persons over six years old and offers up to five years of protection, the other form is by the injectable vaccine which offers up to two years of protection and can be used on persons from two years old and up.


This disease caused by a bacteria was the cause of dead of many people during the major outbreak in the 1850’s and still is a cause of dead to people nowadays, thankfully there is a vaccine against it now.

Cholera is still present in Madagascar but more in risk are the ones staying with relatives or the ones who will travel to rural areas, that is why the vaccine against cholera is recommended.

As mentioned before, vaccine proof will not be asked in your Madagascar visa application, but will most probably be asked when you arrive into the country. This island has many beautiful things to offer such as their blue waters, a delicious cuisine, incredible landscapes and a unique and vastly wildlife and culture. So, wait no more and apply for a Madagascar eVisa here.

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Kanan AdminPUBLISHED ON 22 Nov 2021

