8 Things Not To Do in Qatar


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But while the nation brags about its incredible attractions that will have you booking your trip in a flash, there are some things visitors to Qatar must be aware of before visiting a particular location. Given that it is an Islamic nation, the laws may not be as stringent as in other Islamic countries. Qatar is very conservative in many respects. It is pretty specific about the traditions and culture it upholds.

Here is a list of some things you must avoid while still travelling in Qatar if you're a traveller planning a trip to Qatar and have questions about the laws and other items you need to keep in mind.

You may face a cultural shock when you visit Qatar. It will undoubtedly differ from how you are accustomed to it. But that's part of the appeal of travelling. It will open your eyes to new experiences and give you an excellent grasp of reality. Furthermore, there isn't a justification to limit how much you take in the nation and the World Cup.

However, organizing your trip might be difficult as well. Before travelling to Qatar with a Qatar e visa, you should consider several things, including acquiring knowledge of the local language and culture. Lean back, unwind, and read on! You won't commit any tourist-related errors overseas as long as you know these guidelines.

Let's start!

Avoiding certain behaviours while visiting Qatar

Avoid the behaviours and other items listed below when visiting Qatar because they occasionally get visitors into trouble.

Top Mistakes Tourists Should Never Make In Qatar

Qatar adheres to and upholds Islamic beliefs. People here have significant respect for their ideas and enforce all that they have learned regarding spirituality and religion. Despite the nation's stunning landscapes and architecture, there are some guidelines for both residents and visitors. They are incredibly traditional and conservative in every regard, placing great value on their culture and traditions. You must follow the following procedures while on vacation in Qatar with a Qatar e-visa.

1. Countryside Photography

Everyone enjoys visualizing the places they travel to, right? Some people take pictures to remember home, while others use them to show off. That is one of the first items you should remember when planning your Qatar trip. Any visitor considering taking photos should be considerate enough to comprehend Qatari culture and what it represents to the nation. 

In the same way, taking pictures of the locals while you're travelling might not be a good idea unless you get their permission. The country of Qatar has stringent rules against it, and breaking them can have severe repercussions like getting you detained by the local authorities. In reality, several tourists have experienced these effects in the past.

2. Bringing In Illegal Items

Almost everywhere globally, not just Qatar forbids the importation of unlawful materials. However, some specific items cannot be purchased or brought into Qatar at any cost. Upon arrival at Doha Airport (also known as Hamad International Airport), the baggage search starts and if anything illegal discovers, repercussions may result.

In addition, the following items are prohibited from importation into the nation.

  • Theological Works
  • Pig Products
  • Booze and drugs (Serious Offense)
  • Videos containing offensive content, etc.

The noteworthy aspect of this situation is that most nations permit the importation of religious publications. But it is against the law in Qatar. Similarly, bringing drugs and alcohol into the country can result in jail time.

3. Consuming alcohol in a rural area

Qatar does not have any laws against drinking. But drinking too much could end badly for you. Travellers who are intoxicated or whose behaviour is noticed by others as being out of control may get arrested in this country, which is strict about its laws and behaviour.

However, this does not imply that you cannot consume alcohol while on tour in Qatar and get an e-visa for Qatar. Alcohol serves in official establishments and around the city of Doha. The only places you can consume alcoholic beverages are in these pubs and eateries because drinking on public property is likely to result in arrest. The bars also restrict entry to those at least 21 years old.

4. Unsuitable Dress

A general rule for all Islamic countries, not just Qatar, is that how you dress counts more than most other considerations. Both men and women must adhere to specific wardrobe guidelines at all costs. It doesn't follow that tourists must always dress in traditional garb.

According to Qatari culture and customs, you must wear a certain way, not always in traditional clothing. Men must wear full shirts and pants with full sleeves, while women must wear clothes that cover their shoulders and knees.

5. Conduct in Public Places

Here's a fact: Qatar has strict laws about how you should behave in public and online. Foreigners and locals prohibit from making crude comments, gestures, or public profanities. That is a nation that expects both residents and visitors to behave modestly.

You cannot publish anything online in Qatar that is against its tradition and culture with a Qatar evisa. Then what? It deems improper to stretch your legs out while seated in a public area so that other people can see your shoe soles.

6. Making hasty decisions while travelling

Are you somebody who values time highly and likes to complete tasks early? Then you'll have it rough in this part of the world. Since its inception, Qatar has been a slow-moving nation. It doesn't have the same fast-paced lifestyle compared to other countries like China and India.

People don't want to be overly strict with time here and typically complete tasks comfortably because everyone in the nation favours flexible schedules if you're a tourist visiting Qatar.

7. Don't Ever Turn Down an Invitation

Once you get to know someone, Qataris are typically kind and gregarious individuals. Most frequently, visitors to Qatar may anticipate having a good time in or around Doha & asked to a Qatari's home for dinner.

But wait—what do you do in such a situation? Do you say you're sorry and decline the invitation? Although it may seem weird to some, travellers should never refuse an offer from a Qatari because doing so is once again viewed as going against the country's ethos. So, the next time somebody in Qatar invites you, accept it with joy.

8. Avoid wading in the water barefoot.

It would be best if you avoided many things when on vacation in Qatar, but you certainly haven't heard anything about swimming barefoot in the water. Here's the truth,

In Qatar, there are stone fish that disguise themselves along the seashore. If someone treads on one of these fish, the fish use a poisonous and excruciatingly painful defence mechanism. A person experiencing such discomfort needs to get to the hospital immediately. It's interesting to note that one should be cautious about more than only stonefish. Visitors are also at risk from jellyfish, particularly in the summer.

How Much of a Financial Hit Is It?

If you're trying to save money on a trip, or in this case, your rivals, Qatar shouldn't be your top pick. Qatar is a luxury living destination for most visitors while not being the most costly travel destination in the world.

Despite this, foreigners adore Qatar's tax-free status. Given the high salaries, one would anticipate some of the Middle East's most expensive food and rent. The expenses are as follows:

Food: Due to Qatar's geographic location, most foods do import; as a result, the cost of most foods, particularly those from other countries, tends to be greater than in the US or even the UK.

Transportation: Most people travel by automobile because gas is so inexpensive in Qatar. In the capital city of Doha and other areas outside of Doha, a one-way fare on public transportation typically costs between 3 and 4 QR (about USD 1).

How Amicable Are the Residents?

The people of Qatar are renowned for their warmth and are always glad to welcome visitors and show them around. Visitors expect to be accommodating and helpful while respecting and following local traditions. Therefore, you'll be alright if you research before your trip and abide by the essential dos and don'ts.

That is not a complete list of Qatar's traditions and culture. We advise reading a handbook particular to Qatari culture if you intend to move here or remain for an extended time to understand what to anticipate.


Qatar, a nation that takes great pride in its culture, anticipates that visitors will act respectfully and obediently when following the law. Once familiar with the customs and laws, many visitors experience a culture shock. This country could be a treasure for travellers if you give yourself enough time and effort to fit in. You start to love the country once you fit in. Therefore, avoid performing the above behaviours the next time you travel to Qatar and evisa Qatar and attempt to fit in with the locals. 

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Kanan AdminPUBLISHED ON 22 Sep 2022

